UCIEP welcomes you to our website! LEARN about our association. GET TO KNOW our programs. CONTACT US about studying at one of our esteemed institutions.
UCIEP supports and strengthens university-governed intensive English program leadership through collegial engagement, applied research, IEP advocacy, and the active promotion of the highest professional standards.
The vision for UCIEP is to be the industry leader for university-governed intensive English programs.
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In 1967, the University and College Intensive English Program organization was born out of a group of directors from 13 Intensive English Programs (IEPs) who met to discuss challenges and provide leadership in their growing field. From the very beginning, UCIEP members have been committed to setting and achieving high standards in Intensive English programs, educating institutions about the importance of supporting English language learners in order to facilitate their preparation for success in their academic studies, and providing a forum for IEP directors to exchange ideas, information, and experiences.
Integrity: Exemplifying honesty, trust, respect, and transparency
Excellence: Promoting ethical and professional practices and high standards for students, faculty, and staff
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Collaboration: Working with members and stakeholders to analyze issues, respond proactively to trends, and identify creative solutions
integrated into large research universities as well as small private colleges.
without compromising the central vision of excellence.
c/o Dr. Wesley Curtis
University of South Carolina
1705 College Street Ste 403
Columbia, SC 29208
Students may write to student@UCIEP.org
Overseas Advisors may write to advisors@UCIEP.org
Prospective UCIEP Members may write to 怎么更改手机外网ip